In addition Impact of man made disasters (chemical spills) are all driving the need for better water management which means constant innovation in plumbing systems.

4 ways we contribute to water stress:

  1. Excessive withdrawal from surface water – Over past 30 years, the Aral sea in the former Soviet Union has shrunk by 50% to meet the irrigation water requirement.
  2. Excessive withdrawal of water from under ground sources – On most of the west coast of India excessive fresh water abstraction has allowed sea water to enter aquifiers making ground water unfit for human use. This factor further got compounded due to excess irrigation, water containing fertilisers pesticides leaching into these aquifers.
  3. Pollution of fresh water – Severe pollution makes clean water unusable – involves very high cost for clean up – In China many paper mills using outdated technologies have depleted oxygen from several river stretches making river water unfit for human use. To combat built a state of art paper mill and closed all old units. Now the rivers are making remarkable recovery.
  4. Inefficient use of fresh water – Poor irrigation system, leakages in water delivery systems, inefficient use by industry and excessive consumption by individuals.

We all can work together to contribute to reduce the stress on water management for a better tomorrow for the next generation.


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