
Dear Reader,

It gives me immense pleasure to be associated with The Green Tree Foundation, and to be a part of the launch of India’s first eBook on Green Technologies and Energy Efficiency.

I have been passionately involved with the Green Building Movement in India, and look back with some satisfaction at the road travelled since 2001. At the time of Launch of the eBook, 640 million sq.ft of Green Buildings have registered with Indian Green Building Council, making India the Second most contributing nation in the world for Green New Construction.

However, a lot more needs to be done. Every new building that is being planned, or is in its early stages of execution, will become a key player in ensuring our commitment to the world. India has a great opportunity before herself…. to be the world’s leader in the Green Building and Energy Efficiency Movement.

Whilst the Government will play its just role in creating legislation, and industry bodies will mobilize the key constituents, as will the developers and occupiers arrange for it to happen, one key activity needs urgent attention – that is to create awareness and educate all the stake holders.

There is a pressing need to connect with Architects, Consultants, Developers and Bureaucrats, even Academia and Graduating students of Architecture. And, this is where India’s first eBook on Green Technologies and Energy Efficiency, being presented by The Green Tree Foundation, will make an important contribution.

It gives me great pleasure to Introduce you, the reader involved with ‘Green’, to the sheer potential of The Green eBook, which in a very short time will be available with over 1,00,000 green enthusiasts drawn from all stakeholders, and will be quickly ramped up to many times more and reach millions.

The role of education was left wanting. The launch of The Green eBook will fill the gap.

I wish the publishers and Team behind LOCATOR all success in this novel and need-of-the-hour venture.

Dr. Prem Chand Jain
New Delhi, 12th April 2011

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