
Dear Green Enthusiast,

“There is nothing more powerful, than an idea whose time has come” – Victor Hugo.

We have heard and read up this quote at many important junctures, and it has come to represent turning points in life. The Green eBook being released under the aegis of The Green Tree Foundation brings about such an turning point in the Green Buildings movement.

The Foundation draws its strength from the core team at LOCATOR which remains India’s only Product Finder of its kind, and one that has selflessly served needs of the Architect and Building community for the last 16 years. Now the content management skills of this dedicated team have been marshaled to further the Green cause.

The publication of India’s first eBook on Green Building Technologies & Energy Efficiency is just a first step … but a crucial one.

1, 00,000 recipients have been identified to receive the Green eBook and they hail from Architecture, Academia, Bureaucracy, Technocrats, Manufacturers, Developers, Corporates .. and Students of Architecture.

How did this important mission get identified? Research amongst representatives of all stakeholders brought out a simple fact : “ Green Building Design & Practice is somewhat of a best kept secret!”

We at The Green Tree Foundation feel that free exchange of information and ideas will be the glue that cements this movement. And so, we have embarked ambitiously on this course with the launch of The Green eBook. Keep watching this space for more!

Ramesh Iyengar
Convenor & Educator

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