While the trend of increased urbanization is inevitable and difficult to contain, a significant part of UHIE can be mitigated with little effort. Some of the key strategies for reducing UHIE are:

  1. . Expanding and protecting urban tree cover
    a. Planting new trees
    b. Protecting existing green cover
    c. Vegetative Roofing
  2. . Decreasing roof absorbance
    a. Cool roofing
  3. . Increasing cool urban surfaces
    a. Increasing pervious paving
    b. Reducing brown (fallow/unused open) land
    c. Increasing light-colored/reflective paving
    d. Increasing water bodies

At an urban, as well as building level, an increase in vegetated areas and water bodies will reduce the impact of the UHIE and increase comfort for the entire microclimate. A combination of highly reflective and light colored roofs and/or vegetative roofs may be used to mitigate UHIE, based on roof location, area, accessibility, and usage.
Increased recognition of the benefits of cool roofing has led to the adoption of cool roof measures in



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