At the heart of the Climate change phenomena is the biggest issue of unabated carbon emissions and the resulting socio- economic-environmental impacts on the planet. The global community's painstaking efforts of evolving towards a carbon neutral economy is showing encouraging results with countries across the globe pledging their steadfast commitment to act on a war footing basis. The mood is truly upbeat with rapid technological advances facilitating adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Renewable Energy & Climate change
Renewable energy is one such mitigation strategy which promises to put an end to our dependence on finite energy sources that propel the global economy. Fossil based fuels have been the mainstay of the energy supply & transport sector for decades and these sectors contribute almost 26% CO2 & 13.1% CO2 respectively. Since the mid-eighteenth century fossil fuel use and cement production has released billions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere before the Industrial Revolution were some 280 parts per million (ppm). By 2007, levels had reached 384 ppm – a 37-percent increase.
Although the renewable energy sector is growing rapidly, the climate change imperative dictates that we begin the wholesale transformation of our energy system now, if we are to have any possibility of avoiding the worst of dangerous climate change by keeping the global mean temperature rise, well below 2° C above preindustrial levels.