Thirteen architecture firms were invited to design homes for the Make It Right project, including local, national, and international architects. Invited firms participated in a three-day initial meeting, including a tour of the site, discussion with neighborhood civic leaders to inform the design, and open conversation about project goals and requirements. The process was highly collaborative and benefited from the range of participants and dialogue with the community.

A mid-review meeting was held in which the community residents gave feedback to the architects and designs were reviewed by a consultant for sustainability, the executive architect for compliance with local ordinances AND constructability, and a cost estimator for adherence to a tight budget.

Make It Right is deliberately selecting multiple, smaller general contractors to carry out the construction of the homes in order to benefit a broader swath of the local economy, while also training a wide range of builders in sustainable methods. In addition, the use of multiple contractors allows for experimentation with a variety of construction systems.


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